Mold Report

Mold Report and Mold Testing

We offer our clients two different mold inspections, therefore a different Mold Report for each. Our first, and most requested is the Complete Inspection. The other is the Limited Inspection. Both give you quality results at the best possible mold inspection prices. But first, let’s discuss the mold inspection and report process. Secondly we will talk about Indicator Molds. That’s because those are what the Mold Assessment Technician will be looking for during the inspection. After that, we will explain the difference in the mold inspections. Lastly, we will take a look at the mold lab annalysis.

Process Behind the Mold Report

We educate our clients to understand the process behind the mold report and mold testing. Our first step is to point out health and safety issues presented by mold must begin with the realization that mold is ubiquitous. To clarify, that means it is naturally occurring everywhere around us. We cannot avoid contact with mold spores or particles every day of our lives.

Above all, it is vital to know that relatively few of the more than 100,000 species of mold are either pathogenic (capable of producing disease) or toxigenic (producing toxins that act as poisons in sufficient dosage). Therefore, the goal in mold remediation is not to eliminate mold completely, but to reduce it to or below normal levels without the dominance of indicator molds.

Indicator Molds

We include any indicator molds in our reports if found. Those are molds that commonly grow inside the home. Indicator molds occur due to elevated moisture such as caused by leaks, floods, or uncontrolled climate. The IICRC ANSI S520 defined “normal” as “Condition 1”. In other words, “normal fungal ecology”. In turn, that is defined as “an indoor environment that may have settled spores, fungal fragments or traces of actual growth whose identity, location and quantity are reflective of a normal fungal ecology for a similar indoor environment.”

Moreover, the mold types and counts should be consistent and lower when compared to an outdoor sample. There are no published data from regulatory agencies that give “safe” or “acceptable” concentrations for mold inside of a built environment. Many guidelines exist that have been published. However, the information varies due to differences in climate, geographical locations, individual susceptibility, and opinions. Unfortunately, many opinions disagree, and there’s little science to substantiate them.

Complete Mold Report Inspection

We compose a Complete Mold Report. That occurs when the inspector performs an inspection of the ENTIRE building AND collects mold samples.

The purpose of the Complete Inspection is to attempt to detect the presence of mold by performing a visual inspection of the property from top to bottom and collecting at least three samples to be analyzed by an accredited laboratory as requested by the client on a fee per sample basis.


  • a non-invasive visual examination of the readily accessible, visible, and installed systems and components of the building (such as roof, drainage, interior and exterior, attic.)
  • moisture, temperature and humidity measurements
  • mold samples according to the IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures 

The Complete Inspection REPORT includes:

  • moisture intrusion;
  • water damage;
  • musty odors;
  • apparent mold growth;
  • conditions conducive to mold growth;
  • results of a laboratory analysis of all mold samplings taken at the building; and
  • any system or component that was not inspected.


Limited mold report inspection

The Limited Mold Report does not include a visual examination of the entire building. Instead, it is LIMITED to a specific area of the building identified and described by the inspector. As a result, moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odors, apparent mold growth, or conditions conducive to mold growth in other areas of the building may not be inspected.

The LIMITED INSPECTION will include:

  • a LIMITED non-invasive visual examination of the readily accessible, visible, and installed systems and components located only in the rooms or limited areas agreed upon.
  • mold samples according to the IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures.

The Limited Inspection REPORT will include:

  • a description of the room or limited area of the building in which the Limited Mold Inspection is performed,
  • moisture intrusion,
  • water damage,
  • musty odors,
  • apparent mold growth, or
  • conditions conducive to mold growth; and
  • results of a laboratory analysis of all mold samplings taken.

Mold Lab annalysis

Non-viable Samples

A wide range of mold testing choices exist. They type we use will be documented in the mold report. Our clients are usually interested in finding out about mold conditions in a home they are purchasing or selling. For instance if there was some visible mold-type staining or odor. For those, the air sampling with a spore trap is the best choice because the results can usually be back in a day. That is a non-viable (dead or dormant) sample. Sampling with the non-viable method provides a general sense of how contaminated the air is in an affected area, by counting total spore counts. 

  • Analysis includes identification to genus or group of all fungi present, quantification to spores/m3, and general assessment of background debris. Identification of pollen and hyphal fragments is included.

Viable Samples

On the other hand, viable (living culture) sampling is commonly used to identify species of mold or other particles in the air in industries where the presence of specific microorganisms can affect product quality, safety, and shelf life, such as in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and food production.

Viable sampling gives us a closer look at living microorganisms. It focuses on capturing microorganisms in the air that are alive and capable of growing under suitable laboratory conditions. This method allows for the collection, culture, and identification of living bacteria, fungi, mold spores, and yeast. The process involves using specific media that support the growth of these organisms, which are then incubated and analyzed.

  • Analysis includes identification to genus for all fungi plus Aspergillus, which will be identified to the species level, quantification to cfu/m3. Speciation of other genra is available upon request.