Here are some statistics for the Wildcat Inspections Team that you might be interested in..
Thanks for taking a minute to learn a little about the Wildcat Inspections Team. We would like to offer some insight as to why you will want to hire us for your home inspection. One thing we know for sure. That is that all newly constructed and preowned homes need inspections or they can turn into a trainwreck. No one wants to throw his or her money away. However, when budgets are tight it’s a common reaction to think about forgoing the home inspection to save money. Or, to hire an inspector who is not willing to exceed the TREC Standards. Such as including building code references.
That’s especially true with a new house. After all, your builder probably told you about all the inspections he already had lined up. For the average homebuyer that decision would be far more costly than the cost of the inspection. That would be like the lawyer who represents himself in court. As they say, “he has a fool for a client”.
Of course, there are some people who are versed well enough in-home construction. Those might be willing to take that chance and not hire an inspector. In some cases, homes are purchased with express plans to undergo extensive renovation. That’s because there are usually contractors involved from the beginning for those. Then there’s always “Uncle Joe”. You know, the family member that once worked for a contractor part time back when he was going to college. Uncle Joe can get a homebuyer in trouble faster than anything. But for most home buyers the decision to hire a professional pays off, with or without a contractor.
The Wildcat Inspections Team inspecting windows installed in a new home. Fasteners and flashing tape were improperly installed.
When someone asks what the Wildcat Inspections Team stands for we want to be clear in our response. In doing that, we communicate our core values and express them to our clients. We do that by providing a concise mission statement and code of ethics. Our team lives by these values every day.
Wildcat Inspections Team’s mission is to provide the highest quality home inspection at the lowest cost possible! We flourish at this because of our faith in God, the integrity of our inspectors and our commitment to a solid work ethic. Our pride and personal involvement in the work we perform result in superior quality and service.
This attitude is directly replicated in our inspectors’ level of discreteness, responsibility, professionalism and competency. We delight in new information and relish Continuing Education above and beyond minimum requirements.
It is our goal to consistently strive to stay current with the newest innovations of our industry and to educate the public with the knowledge we acquire. At Wildcat Inspections we believe that our client is the most important entity in our business.